Out of Sight Cleaning

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11 Cheap home cleaning tips

Home cleaning can sometimes feel like you are fighting a losing battle. From the various rooms and surfaces that need cleaning to the several products required to clean, the chore can be time-consuming and relatively costly.  Luckily, you can repurpose some of the everyday household items to clean your home while saving both time and budget.

Below are a few cheap home cleaning pointers.

Remove stains and deodorize carpets

You can always use vinegar, water, and steam iron to remove the unsightly spots from carpets and rugs. Mix vinegar and water in a 1:3 ratio, apply it to the spot, cover it with a wet cloth, and steam for a minute. If you want to deodorize the rugs or carpets, sprinkle baking soda, allow to sit for an hour and vacuum.

Sparkly window glass

Make your glass cleaner by mixing ¼ cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration), ½ cup of white vinegar, and 2 cups of water in an empty spray bottle. Clean the windows by squirting the mixture onto the glass and wiping it with a clean microfiber cloth.

Clean upholstery with shaving cream

Remove upholstery stains by rubbing some shaving cream (avoid the gel kind). Let it sit for 30 minutes and blot it dry. Alternatively, you can pat the stain with a wet, apply a little bit of shaving cream, and dab clean with a sponge. The cream will remove food spots because it can break down stubborn oil and grease stains.

Clean your blinds

You can clean the blinds by putting an old, clean sock on your hand. Dampen it with water and run it over every slat. Use the thumb on the bottom and the four fingers on top, so you only do the slat once. Remember to start from the top so that you can wipe any dust knocked down as you move to the next slat.

Give your stove burners a new look

Some grease and grime require soap and water only. But if that doesn’t work, then place the removable burner parts in a large sandwich bag and pour a quarter cup of ammonia. Close the bag, and leave the ammonia to soak overnight. In the morning, you will wipe off the gunk with ease.

Freshen up the fridge

Clean your fridge by getting rid of old food, and wiping the shelves, bins, and crisper drawer. You can also deodorize the fridge using coffee, which absorbs the lousy scent. Simply lay freshly milled coffee (spread evenly on a plate) in the refrigerator overnight for a better, fresh scent.

Remove hard water without being harsh

If you have hard water build-up around the showerhead or faucets, you should use distilled white vinegar to remove them. For the faucet, wrap a vinegar-soaked paper towel around the handles and let it sit for 20 minutes. For the showerhead, fill a sandwich bag with vinegar, place it on the showerhead using rubber bands, and leave it to soak overnight. You can now use an old toothbrush to scrub off the hard water.

Refresh your garbage disposal

It is easier than you think to sanitize your garbage disposal. Run some ice cubes through the unit to sharpen and clean the blades. Add a few orange or lemon peels while running the disposal to eliminate the odors and give it a mild citrus scent.

Clean the toilet

Having a sparkly clean toilet is just a less-than-10-minutes chore. You will need baking soda, vinegar, and a toilet brush. Pour a cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl and allow it to sit for a minute. Add a cup of baking soda and another cup of vinegar- the mixture will form a bubbly solution. Leave it for 5 minutes; scrub it with a toilet brush, and rinse. 

Repurpose dryer sheets

Used dryer sheets can work magic around the house. They can buff water spots from shower doors, mirrors, wipe baseboards, and dust lampshades and electronics. They have anti-static properties, and that hinders dust from settling back onto the cleaned surfaces.

Freshen up the shower curtain

Chances are that you don’t stretch your shower curtain after each shower for moisture to dissipate, and that can lead to moldy spots. To remove the stains, throw the curtains in the washing machine with a mild detergent and three bath towels to increase the cleaning agitation.

Bottom line

Home cleaning doesn’t have to take up all your time, and it doesn’t need a cabinet full of specialized cleaners. The above tips will help you clean your home efficiently and increase the enjoyment of your home.