Out of Sight Cleaning

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Bed Cleaning Tips

Did you know that human beings spend a third of their lives on the bed?

Well, if you had no idea, imagine how many hours you sleep at night and also the time you go to bed to unwind. With that information, therefore, the bed is one of the most important household items you should take care of especially in cleaning.

Proper bed cleaning can keep your bed clean for years and reduce allergens in your bedroom. A bed consists of many components but the most important ones are mattresses, sheets, comforters, pillows, and pillowcases. A clean bed is not only good for your health but also keeps your bedroom fresh.

Here are amazing tips on how to clean your bed.

1. Remove pillows and decorations from the bed

The best bed cleaning approach starts with stripping your bed. Remove the top layer of items such as pillows, toys, decorative pillows, blankets as well as other objects. Also, remove the pillowcases, sheets that are covering the mattress such as fitted sheets, top sheets and any other mattress protector you may have and throw them in your laundry basket. Fold your blankets and move the items to a different place to get ample space for cleaning your bed.

2. Wash your bedding and linens

After removing everything from the bed and the mattress is bare, it’s the right time to start cleaning. Wash the pillowcases, linens, and sheets in a washing machine. As a rule of thumb, ensure you carefully read the care labels when cleaning any fabrics and use hot water to kill dust mites or bacteria that could be hiding in your linens. Remove the mattress and clean the headboard, bed frame and footboard using a soft cloth and hot water.

3. Cleaning and deodorizing the mattress

Given that you spend as many as eight hours on your bed, you should pay special attention to your mattress and clean it using the following steps;

  • Vacuum - First things first, you should vacuum your mattress to remove dead skin, dust, hair, mites, dust, and other debris. The top of the mattress should be vacuumed using a wide brush attachment, and a long upholstery nozzle to clean the corners and sides.

  • Address fresh spills - If there are fresh spills on your mattress, address them first using cold water and a damp cloth. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the spill as it will push it further into your mattress, and instead, blot it with the damp cloth until all the excess liquid is absorbed.

  • Clean stains - Take a small bowl and mix one tablespoon of liquid dish soap and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Stir them gently using a spoon to create suds that will be effective in treating stains from drinks, food, and dirt. Take an old toothbrush, dip it into the suds and scrub on the affected areas gently. Wipe excess cleaner using a clean, damp cloth.

  • Clean biological stains with an enzyme cleaner - An enzyme cleaner is effective in breaking down the proteins in urine, blood, vomit, sweat and any other biological stain. Therefore, take a clean cloth and spray enzyme cleaner on it. Blot the stained areas with a clean cloth to saturate it and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Use the same cloth to blot the area to get rid of the stain and finally blot the area using a cloth damped in cold water.

  • Sprinkle baking soda over the mattress - After dealing with stains, clean and deodorize your mattress by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda on the surface of the mattress. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes to absorb smells, other liquids left during stain cleaning, and break down acids.

  • Vacuum the mattress once again - After allowing the baking soda to sit on the mattress for some time, vacuum it to get rid of baking soda. That way, you will take odors, acids and any other liquid absorbed by the baking soda. Lastly, let your mattress air out to allow any liquid left to dry out. According to experts, if your mattress traps moisture, it can lead to mold which will not be good for your health and therefore, ensure you give it time to dry.

Bottom line

A clean bed helps you sleep like a baby and wake up the next morning with energy to face the day ahead. Also, cleaning your mattress protects your investment in your bed. The above bed cleaning tips will help you clean like a pro. Once your bed is clean, make it even better with clean linens and enjoy quality sleep.