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How To Get Wax Out Of A Carpet

Even though candles can bring a great ambiance to your decor, you may forgo that thought because of the idea of wax spilling on your carpet. Well, this should not stop you from enjoying all that you would want with a candle, this is because removing the wax is not as hard as it may seem. It is actually something that does not need a professional for it to be effectively done.

If you happen to spill wax on your carpet, you do not have to panic at all, this is because we have compiled some of the easiest techniques you can use to get rid of this wax.

  1. Your first step to getting rid of wax from your carpet is having the right equipment. This is very essential because it will help you in making sure that the removal is effectively done. Some of this equipment may include vacuum, ice pack, carpet cleaner, and iron. With these at hand, you are guaranteed that wax removal will not be a hard task and will also be done effectively.

  2. Your second step should involve freezing the wax; you can either choose to use an ice pack or even frozen meat. Either of these two should be used by placing them on top of the wax, this should be enough to freeze it. However, while doing this, the wax may get wet, so to avoid this, you can choose to have the ice pack wrapped. This is done to make sure that the wax solidifies, and when this is achieved, it will be very easy for you to lift the wax from your carpet.

  3. Now is the time for you to make use of your knife, this is after you have made sure that the wax stain is completely frozen. Use the knife to remove as much wax as possible. You may be lucky enough to get rid of all the wax stains with the knife, and if that is the case for you than your cleaning process will be a short one. However, if you are unable to get rid of all the wax stains with your knife, you do not have to worry because the following store may just work for you.

  4. This step involves ironing the stain. However, this cannot be done directly on the wax; you have to place a paper towel on top ok the stain. You also have to make sure that the temperature of your iron is as low as possible. This is because high temperatures may damage your carpet’s fiber. You should also avoid using the steam setting. Once you are sure that the temperature is low and you are not using the steam setting, you can proceed to rub your iron over the paper towel, you will be surprised how the wax will be absorbed by the paper towel. To make sure that all the wax is absorbed, you can consider repositioning your paper towel, especially in fresh areas.

  5. This step involves cleaning the entire carpet to make sure that all the wax stains, as well as dye stains, are completely gotten rid of. You can do this with the help of a commercial cleaning solution; you can as well choose to use rubbing alcohol if you have. This can be done by blotting the areas with clean white cloths until you are sure that the stains are no more. The carpet should then be blotted till all the moisture is gotten rid of.

  6. With your carpet dry, you should then proceed to vacuum it so that you can restore its texture. You will be surprised how your carpet will look new; you will even forget that the wax stain happened.

As you have read above, getting rid of a wax stain is not hard, it is something you can easily do without spending even a coin, so long as you have all the items needed for the cleaning. All you have to do is to believe you can do it, and the rest will be easier. Once you have done it for the first time, you will always want to do it on your own. Just follow these steps and wait for the final results.